#6 Eat Like a Cave-mam to live #OlderFasterStronger

I hate dieting, counting calories, obsessing about what I can and cannot have. Is there a way to eat that does not pack my unfair share of the world’s calories into my middle-aged gut? Alas, there is, and it’s fun, political and tasty too. Cave-mam eating, as I call it, means eating closer to nature, like our hunter and mostly gatherer ancestors. Cave-mam ethics means waging war on Big Food; rather than starving yourself on yo-yo diets, starve companies that make your body a dumping ground for cheap calories. Cut the simple carbs (bread, pasta, processed anything, sugar) and load up on complex carbs (mostly vegetables and some fruit). Give your body two weeks to adjust and you will soon crave healthy foods, with taste buds, brain, digestive system and energy levels perking up. If you need a mantra to help you eat cave-mam clean, try this one: What fattens your bottom fattens the bottom line of Big Food.

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